Our vocation
GLIOCURE aims to give back hope to patients suffering from glial diseases, and in particular to patients with hard-to-treat brain tumours, such as gliobastoma (GBM).
Our lead product, GC01.1, is a new generation anti-tumor and neuroprotective peptide, which is currently in the final stages of non-regulatory preclinical development for the treatment of glioblastoma and other solid tumors overexpressing βIII-tubulin
R&D programs
of fundings
since inception

Angers (49), October 30, 2023 - Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO) joins forces with GlioCure in the preclinical research phase to identify new therapeutic indications.

Our science
GlioCure offers a complete translational solution to transform molecules of interest in the field of neuro-oncology into clinical drug candidates.

Our products
With GC01, its first molecule of interest, GlioCure targets several neuro-oncology indications with urgent unmet medical needs, such as glioblastoma and secondary brain metastases.
Glioblastoma belongs to the family of gliomas, brain tumors that affect the glial cells. These cells form the environment of neurons with a role of support and protection of the nervous tissue and represent half of the cerebral volume.

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